27 Bradbury Road
Hamilton Hill WA 6163





Please complete the Enrolment Application below.

EHHPS Enrolment Application

The following information needs to be supplied in full, when lodging your Enrolment application.
1.   Copy of your Child’s Birth Certificate
2.   Current copy of your Child’s Medicare Immunisation Statement – no more than 2 months old.
3.   1 x form of proof of current address
4.   VISA information (if applicable)
5.   Family Court Orders (if applicable)

Please email your application and required documents to easthamiltonhill.ps@education.wa.edu.au or come into the office.

You must apply to enrol your children in a public school for 2024 if they are:
•  starting Pre-primary (first year of compulsory school) – 5 years old by 30 June 2024
•  starting Year 1 – 6
•  changing schools

See the Enrolment Age Table to check the age and year group for your child.

For further details regarding enrolling at a public school in Western Australia see the Enrol at a public school – Department of Education pages.